ZEN meditation
Gain deep mindfulness and inner peace
These are interspersed with short periods of walking meditation.
In addition to meditation, a sesshin also includes teisho (lectures), dokusan (personal discussions with the teacher) and the opportunity to participate in Eucharistic celebrations.
Silence is maintained throughout the sesshin.
This creates an atmosphere of concentration and deepening.
The aim is to deepen one’s own spiritual practice and gain a deeper insight into the nature of the mind.
Sanbōzen: A journey through the history and benefits of this Zen practice
Sanbōzen history
Sanbōzen advantages
The benefits of Sanbōzen are manifold and extend beyond personal growth. Through the practice of meditation and working with koans, practitioners can gain a profound insight into the nature of the mind and develop a deeper understanding of their own existence.
In addition, Sanbōzen promotes the development of compassion, serenity and clarity in daily life, which can lead to an improved quality of life and greater prosperity for society as a whole.
In an increasingly hectic and stressful world, the Sanbōzen can provide a valuable space of stillness and retreat where practitioners can calm down and connect with their innermost being.
By exploring the depths of the human experience and recognizing the essence of their being, Sanbōzen students can help create a world of peace, harmony and mutual understanding
Dates and groups
Please check the CURRENT NOTES regularly for news on new and/or additional (online) offers, location changes, cancellations, etc.
As part of our program, we offer various meditation activities:
- Zazenkai: One-day zazenkais are held regularly every month and on special occasions, usually on a Saturday or Sunday.
- Courses offered: Our courses include introductory courses, two-day zazenkais and multi-day sesshins.
If you have any questions about meditation or planned visits please contact us with pleasure!
You will show respect if you avoid sporty or very loose clothing such as shorts, sleeveless shirts, leggings, jogging suits and tracksuits.